
It was a full day. 

It started early. Straight from my bed I went to the park and did session 2 of my wee Couch to 5k adventure. Anyone who knows me will tell you my day always, always starts with plenty of black coffee, so this break from habit was quite an achievement. 

Work was a bit frustrating, with a few interactions which gave me pause for thought. 

Junior was at the house when I got home. Good to see him again - so soon. Even better, he had cut the grass!

Then I made one of those “what’s left in the fridge” dinners. I surprised myself. Green bean salad with hard boiled eggs. It does not sound like much, but a good vinaigrette (olive oil, sherry vinegar and mustard) combined with fresh local produce, just hit the spot. 

After all that, I have just about enough energy to stay awake until bedtime. Hopefully. 

The Blip is just my morning coffee break at work. I do not have one usually, but thought the extra caffeine might be needed today.     

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