Changeable weather

This morning I didn't go to the beach. I've been to the beach practically every morning since we came back to St Ives but this morning it was very mizzly and drizzly and also the tide was in. I just trekked around town on my lead.

Late morning I went for another walk 'up the Steeple' which is an area just outside St Ives where there is normally lovely views. There wasn't any lovely views today. We were out for about one and a half hours and although it wasn't raining, the mist was very damp so by the time we got home we were both pretty wet.

This afternoon I snoozed and Ann binge watched, 'The Secrets She Keeps'. If any of you Blippers are looking for something to watch, you need to watch this. Absolutely brilliant! However, Ann does feel a bit guilty that she's driven more than 600 miles to get to St Ives and now all she's doing is 'binge watching TV?'

Anyway, by 4pm 'Mr Mizzle & Drizzle' had gone away and 'Mr Sunshine' had come out so I went into the field for a play with my ball. I ran and ran and ran after it. But, then I got tired so I started to flop down in the bushes for a little rest.

And then do you want to know what I did?.............................. I was really naughty. I took the ball and went deep into a hedge so that Ann couldn't get to me. She could hear me panting but she couldn't see me and I wouldn't come out when she said, 'Trixie come', so she just sat down on a seat and waited for me to re-emerge. ….......I didn't re-emerge?! Eventually she had to start hacking away at the hedge with the ball thrower to find out where I was. And then she pulled me out by my collar. I didn't want to be pulled out by my collar so I snarled at her. I NEVER snarl so that made her very cross and I got put back on my lead and taken home.

I was totally, utterly and completely exhausted by this point so I just flopped down for a snooze. I'm even too tired to eat my dinner.

Fortunately Mr Sunshine was still shining so Ann was able to sit out on the sun terrace and have a couple of glasses of vino, so all is good?!

PS – I'm still snoozing!!!

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