
We had a dumping of snow overnight that took many folks here by surprise. Coupled with a strong wind it led to several hours of tricky conditions on the roads and some drifting, but none more than 8" or so here on the estate. It was still enough to stop some vehicles from getting up the bank though.
Hubby very kindly came home from work for a few minutes to do the school run and avoid me risking another fall, this time carrying Arwen. That was a big relief. It wasn't the right weather for taking out a three month old in a sling.

When a break came in the weather mid morning, I was able to dig out the car fairly quickly and pop to a friend's house with Arwen for an hour or so. Another friend and her boys came over in the afternoon for a chat and a play. I also managed to bake some gingerbread at lunchtime. It tastes ok but it's never as good the day it is made. If there is any left Tomorrow I'm sure it will be better.
36/365 completed!

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