RNLI Etoille du Nord

This morning I decided to go to Rousse to put a smiley face on my geocaching map. I knew what and where to look and I now have that smiley face on my map right outside the Peninsula Hotel near this beautifully restored former lifeboat.
GuernseyGirl blipped this back in September 2012. What a difference!
After this I walked towards the Ronez Nature Walk to catch the bus back to town. But a friend passed by in her car so I went with her to the U3A coffee morning.
A good morning.
Update from yesterday. I finally finished untangling my yarn this morning before I went out. That’s 2 days wasted on a ball of yarn worth less than £2! Total madness! I suppose I have the satisfaction of completing the task and not  wasting resources or creating unnecessary waste to export to Sweden...

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