
By Mo

Lady Bountiful

Sorry this is such a crap picture, but I had to grab it as best I could. This entry is definitely "Mo's journal", rather than a "hey, look what I can do".

Anyway, this is Janet talking to the P1-P3 assembly at our kids' school this morning. She was announcing the winners from a Read-a-thon that we've just run and it was a lot of fun. Janet's from Canada, and it was her idea. All I knew about Read-a-thons was what I'd gleaned from reading Charlie Brown books as a kid. We've worked pretty hard but, boy, has it been successful - over £8K for the school library is no mean achievement in these credit crunch times!

My job was to distribute the prizes, which was rather nice. And it meant I was there to witness our Andrew and his pal, Rowan, perform their "D Factor" song. They were great - although I suppose I'm not impartial.

So, a very lovely start to the day. But the rest of it was pants. George was limping this morning and saying his leg was sore, so I got him to the GP, who referred him to Sick Kids', where he had an ultrasound and blood tests. We had to hang around until the results came back. Stressful. Luckily, it looks like it's a fairly minor thing called Irritable Hip which can be treated with rest and painkillers. George was a complete star, didn't even flinch when they took his blood.

It was good to get home tonight.

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