Life through the lens...

By ValC

Snow prints!

Woke this morning to a light covering of snow.
The only traces in the snow, when I went out to feed the birds, were this set of claw prints.

Met some of my friends from our old French Class for lunch.
Haven't seen them for about 6 months, so had a lot of catching up to do.
Some happy things to report ( New grandchildren born) and some sad, (J ,who is just a couple of years younger than me. Her husband died in November. Just 8 weeks after being diagnosed with cancer.) Really makes you stop and think, and count your blessings!
We did enjoy meeting up again, but I hope next time it will be all happy news!

Tomorrow we are going on a train journey.
Just so long as we aren't snowed in! It has been snowing thick since lunch time, but fortunately isn't settling.
Hope I might get a few good photos, and a good blip!

(I think yesterday's blip gave a few people the wrong idea! I don't take the camera to bed with me!!! That's blipping too far!!)

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