
I did a poor job of some sewing last night, decided to unpick it this evening and re-sew it by hand.  It's 'all pinned waiting for another evening. 

Rough start to the morning with an unhappy headmaster, all remedied after a morning re-working something.  Ended the day with a happy headmaster, which is a bit better. 

Family decision making about the boys, the eldest has had a tough year school wise and we need to decide whether he repeats his first year.  Difficult decision, made harder as his brother is due to start school in September and I wouldn't want them in the same class.  It's made a little easier as the youngest is a late July birthday, so if he starts in September would be very young in his year. 

Today I'm grateful for
Good advice from the eldest's teacher 
Deciding to exercise first thing today and not work
Two boys running upstairs when they got in to give cuddles

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