
By Cumbrialass

I'm looking over a 3 leaf clover*

The weather forecast was for strong winds so we decided against going too far today, but in the end it was not so bad. Very blustery but the sun was shining. 

Took Fletch to the park. We expected it to be quiet but it was  busy today.. mainly women with young children. It turns out the children's playground is now open. I couldn't help wondering how safe  if it was  with all those hands touching so many surfaces.

Big shop at Tesco  followed . Monday afternoon is definitely  the best time to go as it was nice and quiet.

It stayed sunny so I got out the mower and finally mowed the lawn! 

Tea time walk to the dock.. A simple blip tonight, not quite tiny enough for Tiny Tuesday. 
* "misquoted of course. Should be  
"I'm looking over a 4 leafed clover."
. I did once find a 4 leaf clover.. but not this afternoon

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