Not The Usual

Not the usual angle of the 5 sisters - not the usual colour either.
I was going to walk down the path and get a bit closer, but the farmer has dumper a load of manure on the path and the long grass was too wet to walk round it.
There is a black and white version over here along with a shot of one of the churches in Bathgate.

When I got back to The Larder to drop off the crates that meals are packed in for delivery I had a chat with one of the women in the office. It is amazing how many of the people who get meals delivered are never actually seen by the people doing the deliveries. If there is no answer from the door the bag get left on the doorstep. Apparently nobody has complained that they haven't got there meals ..... which surprises me with the areas that some of them are left.

I went to weed between the slabs on the patio this afternoon.
That didn't last long - the handle and the hook kept parting company.
So I had to go and mix up some 2 part epoxy and glue them back together. Hopefully it will be dry tomorrow and I can do the weeding then.
Instead I varnished some wee bird houses (a couple of them need varnish to help keep the bark on) and set to on an old part turned piece that had been thrown in the corner because it was rubbish. It is a bit of pine which is horrible to work and tears rather than cuts a lot of the time and requires far more sanding than I like. But I had charged my helmet so I knew it would last and I wouldn't choke to death on the dust. But it is done now and even has a coat of sanding sealer on it.

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