Day 113 of my lockdown - Day 25 of slight ease PLUS

Although I slept reasonably well last night I woke up late and didn't get up until nearly 9 O'clock - in a fluster - THAT IS LATE EEEEEKKK.  Decided I had to send apologies for Tai Chi as I would never be able to wash, dress and have breakfast before it all started - yikes.

So once I was eventually ready, about 10.30 I decided I would go out with the camera, whilst the sun was shining. and try to find something white to photograph.

Not much success at all today - except for the above photo, which isn't too bad. 

I started off by needing to fill up with petrol, which Hubby normally does for me since lockdown.  I plucked up the courage, put on face mask and disposable gloves and filled up on the A590.  Then went in to pay.  It was quiet but the people I saw stared at me as if I was mad for wearing a mask (an elderly couple returning to their car and a father and son inside the shop, different area to me.  The shop was set out well - social distancing spaced out on the floor and the staff were behind perspex.  They didn't flinch at all at the mask.  

Once outside the shop and took the gloves off and put them in a bag to dispose of safely once I got home.  Took off the washable mask (made for me) and then used hand sanitiser and antibacterial wet wipes before I moved off.

I turned up onto the A591 and headed for Windermere village.  It really felt like I was going on an expedition.  I took the long way round and turned off at the troutbeck roundabout so I could pull into the layby to take this photo.  

I then headed back into Windermere itself and parked in my usual car park, tried to pay at the meter.  Huge sign saying please hand sanitiser before and after using the meter.  I tried to - but it had run out.  I didn't have quite enough change and it wouldn't accept my card.

Went back to the car used my own hand sanitisers then headed for the village looking for all things white.  Well I tried - but there were quite few grockles, emmets tourists about and there was no social distancing going on whatsoever - mostly young families and young people.  No-one wore a mask when they entered shops so I just turned on my heels and went back to the car.

Drove on down through Bowness - busy but not too bad, but I just passed through because again very little social distancing.

I then decided to head to Lakeside as it's usually quieter there - and it was.  A lot of people already on the boat waiting to leave so that's probably why.  However whilst I was taking a couple of photos, a couple came up to and said "would you please take a photo of us with our mobile" and just thrust it into my hand before I had chance to reply - although they didn't come close to be fair, just full arms length.  Anyway I thought I might as well take the photo now for them then went straight back to the car for more hand sanitiser and antibacterial wipes before I would even touch my own camera again.  

It left me feeling quite scared so headed off home.

Oh and very little white things that I could photograph.  So may try again later in the week - but somewhere really quiet.


I feel really quite dithery now after all that and feel like I've been on an expedition!!!

Please do be careful out there because the tourists do not seem to be paying heed to masks or social distancing - not where I've been anyway.

Stay safe - the virus is still with us.

Thank you for dropping by and listening to my rambles.  See you all tomorrow. 

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