An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Happy Birthday Grandpa...

Today would have been my grandpa's 105th birthday.  Oh how I miss him.

The main man in my life growing up.  Ahead of his years, he was looking after children, doing housework, shopping and generally pulling his weight around the house long before many men of his generation and generations after.  His and my gran's marriage truly was one of equals.

I talk about him here so won't repeat myself except to say, I just wonder what he would think about the world we are living in today.  

Global warming, Brexit, Trump, Covid-19...I could spend hours surmising his reaction to it all.  Utter shock and disbelief I suspect considering he thought the world was going down the toilet in 1985 when he saw OMD on top of the Pops with their dress shirts hanging below their suit jackets!

I'll never forget it.  Me and him in the living room watching the TV, my gran in the kitchen making a cuppa, when OMD came on.  

"Haw Mag, come tae ye see this!  This eejit's shirt tails are hingin' below his jaiket!!!  Hurry!  Come and see this!  He's like something that fell aff a flittin'!!!!  Whit in the name o' the wee man?!" (Translation - this idiot has not tucked his shirt into his trousers and he looks a right sight!  What is going on? :-)

He was genuinely confused by why a man would wear a smart shirt untucked and I could not stop laughing.  By the end of their song he was laughing too, but at the absurdity of it all rather than his reaction, which was the reason for my mirth.  

And the news today that Kanye West has stated he will run for President  (it remains to be seen) would definitely have him exclaiming a much used phrase of his...."I'm so glad I'm on the road oot!"

Grandpa, I now understand where you were coming from when you shook your head at the absurdity of life and uttered that immortal line.  Now it's  my turn to say it!  

PS In extras, one of my favourite photos from my wedding reception.  It sums up his warmth and humour.  Happy Birthday Grandpa.  A wee thistle and bee for you :-) xxx

PPS Yes, that's my gran's hat he's wearing!  :-)

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