Sitting, kneeling, standing
Pizza for breakfast, of course, though Mr B and TallGirl supplemented this with a 9am raid on Mercadona: doughnuts, croissants, eggs and bacon.
With second breakfast done, I scurried everyone out so I could start the series of work video calls I had regrettably had to schedule on my day off. Happily the ‘big boss’ seemed fairly relaxed about my confession that I had actually gone to a different country at financial year end.
Once the resulting drafting was done, I raced (literally - and even though it was overcast it was still more than 30 degrees) to the beach where the gang were paddle boarding. Here they are demonstrating the three positions: TallGirl (expert having done it once before for 10 minutes) is standing, CarbBoy (not the best balance in the world, but at least this got him over his terror of the sea - post-Italy) kneeling, and MrB (old man) sensibly just lounging like he’s in his club bar.
The board place happily had a bar, so pre-lunch drinks (though CarbBoy’s mohito was actually alcoholic and not to his taste) and then a stroll home to change for actual lunch, which we had at a more normal local time of 1.30 pm in our now regular restaurant.
After that, home for CarbBoy and I, while MrB and TallGirl went to the local Greek/Roman city to explore bits we had not visited before.
Work for me, then all reconvened for chat and, eventually the last dinner. Our preferred restaurant in the square is just in the process of opening, but the ‘pizza’ restaurant is standing in well - and we now have a ‘usual table’.
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