Baby shower

I was awake at 5 again so I got up and made a cup of tea. I went to Aldi as it opened and was a pleasant experience and got all I wanted and more! Had a virtual coffee with Kate then did some jigsaw. Matt and Jade were having the baby shower today and I was going this afternoon as he thought there would be less people there. I was surprised to see their drive is now paved and the back tiled so the house is almost finished. There were quite a few cars and a few people there when I arrived but it is a massive room and people were spread out. I had a lovely time. I wasn't going to stay long but it was nice chatting to people. Then when all the children had left I played with Sahara and read her books. The first book I read was a child's version of the story of Rosa Parks. Sahara won't pose for photos so the two in the collage were the spontaneous, I absolutely love the top one. She was really tired so she lay on the settee and fell asleep. I left then. Sahara was 3 weeks early and came the week after the baby shower, will be interesting to see if baby brother makes an appearance soon. 

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