The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Chase Me

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Murphy found someone to play chase today. He bolted down the hill and then came hurtling back up, hot on the heels of a weasel. The poor thing finally stopped in it’s tracks with Murphy right next to it. I had horrible images of a massacre but there was just a lot of tail wagging* followed by disappointment at the realisation that his new friend** had given up on the exciting*** game of chase.

Maybe they’re secret buddies now. There could be a Disney film in this - “Murphy and Winston.” A tale of woodland frolics and bum sniffing.


*Murphy, not so much the weasel

**from Murphy’s perspective

***again, depends on perspective. I suspect the weasel would have had a different description of this encounter

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