Red Magnolia

Recovered from my scare of yesterday; no more fever. Just a typical bad cold. I checked with the colleague who I believe to be the likely source, and she also had a mild and brief fever. And she has tested negative for Covid. If my improvement continues the usual course fora cold, I don't need a test.

Banned from even a walk outside today. S thinks that's why I got more symptomatic yesterday afternoon/evening. Have to admit that I was more than willing to comply with her wishes. She continues to make good progress.

So, how to get a photo to blip. That's when I noticed the red magnolia further down the hill. It makes a bright show especially in early July. According to the nursery that developed the red magnolias apparently as a world first, they are at their best in August. That may be where they are (in Taranaki) as that is about six hours drive south of Auckland. Whether this early flowering is a sign of climate changes, I'm not sure.

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