Come into the Garden

By aprecious


"How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
Abraham Lincoln

Maud: Hello, it's me. I've come for my extra leg? I've heard this is where you get them from.

aprecious: There's no legs here. How about we call your tail a leg?

Maud: That's silly. I'd rather have another leg. I could scratch and still stay standing.

aprecious: You'd look silly with an extra leg.

Maud: I'd be a trend setter!

aprecious: You'd be the talk the neighbourhood!

Maud: People would come for miles...


Maud: (to herself) You could exploit me ruthlessly for laughs...

aprecious: (not hearing properly) What did you say?

Long day today. And the white stuff seems to have made a return!

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