Cù sìos
The caption bears no relation to the blip which is one of the three deer I saw in Pollok Park late in the afternoon when I ventured out to get some air in the drenching rain. It eased off towards the end when I took my hood down and spent some time watching and blipping a pair of deer, the third one I had seen on my outward journey. The river was higher than ever, all swirling and brown and full of flotsam that looked remarkably like wild life, it wasn't.
The caption in Gaelic is down dog - I need to rediscover how to do grave accents in Windows 10. This was a session led jointly by UHI Skye and a Gaelic speaking yoga teacher who expertly led the session bilingually. I have some helpful new vocabulary of which cu sios, down dog is one.
Later … unable to do accents in Blip directly but word cut and paste works. The keys, for future reference are ctrl+windows and press lower top left ' release and then hit letter.
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