In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Dear me

Today was definitely a dear me kind of day.
We went to Fraserburgh to do our shopping. It’s a week to go until it’s compulsory to wear face coverings in shops etc
I fear for up this way. Hardly anyone wearing masks, not a lot of folk actually caring about social distancing and several not paying the slightest bit attention to the one way system in the Asda.

In the first place we went into, as we were getting out of the car, a woman said to one of her kids, “ I hope you’ve got your mask on?” He did have. She didn’t. Neither had her other child
On the way round the first few aisles she was handling pretty much everything, and opening and smelling, up close, several other products.

Two things I think come out of this. If there is a second spike then these types will be blaming other. If there’s not they will say, “ See, I told you so.”

Meanwhile people are still not back at work, many more are losing their jobs.
This is a new KFC being built by Asda.
Another ‘dear me.’

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