Vile is a word I usually reserve for Anne Widdecombe, Nobby Farage and Grandma's trifle. But today, it has been the most fitting adjective for the weather in our little corner of the world.
Most days I average 16,000 steps, often I'll be up in the 30-40k range. Today I've done 2000. That includes a drive to Shap to visit the Post office. When I saw the state of the poor bedraggled folk queuing outside (1 in 1 out policy) I said "nah" and went home, our PO will be open again tomorrow. Maybe it will stop raining. It won't.
On the plus side though, penultimate assignment finished and submitted, heavy lifting of final assignment done, just reviewing and referencing to finish.
These little heads pop up with expectant mouths as soon as you open the front door now, soon they'll take to the air.
Philosophy Friday
The best thing one can do when it rains is to let it rain.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
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