
A perfectly nice day that somehow went astray. A morning walk and an evening walk,  morning Zoom Bones class, patio chair visit with B & D at B's plus her hubby, grandson, and son-in-law who picked up the bahn mi for lunch, all socially distanced - or at least the best we could manage. Next, I joined a reasonable line of cars waiting to unload at the Goodwill donation in SE, then home to a quiet evening that found me unduly melancholic.
Is that the right use of unduly? of awry? of melancholic? Who knows. I'm looking forward to a long weekend where someone has told me what to do: Governor Brown says to stay home. Good. Although that is part of the problem: life in the midst of an unduly long pandemic where habits, and impulses have gone astray (nope, still don't like that word), but cozy as it is here, it is also lonely, so melancholic works.
Extra: someone parks this sweet little van in the most expressive way.
Note: thanks for the helpful comment, cbimages.

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