
By Livingandloving

Fairy Cups

Today was a short day at work, which I loved. I headed on out to Sugar's school for knitting in good spirits. The kids are really making headway on their projects now, and it feels good to see most of them excited about this skill they are learning. Sugar was happy to have me there, and to get to go home with me directly after school, instead of having to ride the bus. I got sidetracked talking to a friend, so our girls kept themselves entertained around the bark mulch and bushes around the school. It was wonderful to have time to chat.

When it was finally time to pack it in and head on our separate ways, the girls came running up with their hands full of "fairy cups" they had been collecting while us mom's talked. They were pretty pleased with their finds. Sugar tells me the fairies left their hot cocoa and marshmellows in their cups. Too bad there is barely a dot of liquid because I adore cocoa.

edited to add: These are really Bird's Nest Fungus. You can learn about it here.

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