
By MovableParts


Gate #2
From Wikipedia:
A sluice is a water channel controlled at its head by a gate. A mill race, leet, flume, penstock or lade is a sluice channelling water toward a water mill. The terms sluice, sluice gate, knife gate, and slide gate are used interchangeably in the water and wastewater control industry.

Extra: After taking a photo of the sluice gate, I continued by bicycle to the Nature Center.  As I came around a flower box, I almost tripped on this turtle.  Seeing a hole beneath her hind legs, I realized she was laying her eggs.  I quickly moved off but not before I was privileged to see her deposit two pure white, golf ball sized eggs. Made my day!  AND THEN I saw a large  brown and tan roadrunner scoop up in its beak a beautiful whiptail lizard.  Clearly Roady had caught his lunch while I imagine at the same time Lizard lost his lunch today. The universe giveth and it taketh away. The Nature Center lives up to its name!

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