A sunny walk

From Calgary and up the hill but first a walk across the machair. A few years ago a number of local residents made a move to keep sheep off the machair at certain times of the year, to give it a chance to thrive in a natural form. Following negotiations (not always easy) and a search for funding a fence enclosed the area and here we are.

Extra, looking back to the beach, a young raven braving out the intrusion of two women, looking past the rock and more machair.

More than a habitat, machair is a blend of low-lying coastline, sand partly consisting of shell fragments, the effects of strong winds, just the right amount of rainfall, the involvement of people and their grazing animals
Scotland’s machair is best developed on the Uists, Tiree and Barra. It’s also found on Orkney, Shetland, Lewis and Harris, many of the Inner Hebrides, and a few mainland sites.
Most machair systems are fronted by sand dunes.

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