
By ScarletMonkey

This book has changed my life..

I've been very fed up with my course for various reasons, and I've been starting to see the need to see clients as hours I need to tick off in order to pass the sodding year and just move on with my life. This book has brought me back in touch with why I want to do this, with what put me on this quest to know myself and my fellow humans better. On a professional level it has made some things 'click' that just haven't before, and it's put me back on track. I've got my student counsellor mojo back. 

On a personal level it's allowed me to empathise with someone in a way that hasn't happened before and to allow a part of me in to the fold. It talks a lot about 'dissonance' the idea that different parts of our identity need to be related to and accepted for self actualisation to happen and how therapy can facilitate it. Especially the parts of ourselves we shy away from or would rather berate, or eradicate. Today I felt a marked reduction in my own dissonance. I get the sense that what I've begun today will change the course of my existence. So I sit in awe. 

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