Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

How To Cheer Up A Bored Cat ...

Poor Percy is finding the dismal weather very frustrating. He's been hanging around the house and sleeping much more than usual. 

We buy cat food in bulk, which means that they eat the same stuff, day in day out. But today was the day  we opened a new sack. And clearly this one is much approved of. There was too much to fit in the plastic storage box in the cupboard, so I resealed the bag and left it by the back door , to await a gap in the rain (which didn't come) before I took it out to the garage. 

You can guess the outcome - the slashing claws made a hole just large enough to get a paw in..

What remains is now safely stored away, and P is sleeping off his pig-out. And that was about the most interesting thing that happened here today! 

But the bookshop is reopening tomorrow - and they are doing takeaway coffee and home made sausage rolls .... it may involved queuing in the rain, but my umbrella needs an outing :-)

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