Guess where I'm going?

Yes, correct. I'm on my way to Stadskanaal again.
I actually just left there a few hours ago (14.00), but I'm going back now (20.00).

We all (the four of us) had a very intensive and emotional morning.
My parents' general practitioner visited us together with a dementia specialized healthcare consultant. For over two hours we talked about all the problems we've been facing for the past few days, but most of all we searched for solutions for the future.

And I think we've found one, but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed, hoping that what we now would like most will become truth in the upcoming weeks.

My parents would like to move to a retirement home very near to us, in Delfzijl. The place they've lived for years themselves. In a nutshell: They want to come home.

But that means lots of things will have to fall in place and several organizations will have to cooperate on a short term, and on top of that: we all want it as soon as possible.

I made a few phone calls and put all my convincing skills to battle. And, believe it or not, chances are that within weeks from now a suitable place might become available for them. Let's hope and pray it will!!

Then they will live less than 2 kilometers from both me and my sister, with professional care nearby 24 hours a day. Forms have been sent in already, so all we can do now is wait and be patient.
I hope things will not be delayed by the corona virus and the summer holidays that are starting everywhere.

A huge thumbs up for the general practitioner and the consultant for all the time they spent with us this today. They probably will never read this, but I say it anyway: Thank you so much!
The world is not as grey as it was yesterday.

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