Normal is nearer
It's the first time for nearly 3 years that I haven't had a flight to KL booked. I arrived back on 16 April and two weeks later Qatar flights to Edinburgh ended. Today they restarted so, providing Malaysia reopens its borders, I can go back at the end of the year. Ryanair also have flights to Beziers so perhaps a trip to St Paul or Jeune is possible, or even Montgaillard.
I worked all day looking out at the dreich day, with freezing feet. A sodden fox cub traversed the garden. Later I was shown round E's brilliant new flat, being sensible. Please, if you have not heard it catch up with the last of the current series 'More or Less' R4 on BBC Sounds. Explains exactly why the UK Government made decisions that killed people and took us to the top of the death/infections league table, an unenviable position. Lest we forget, that this was caused by incompetence and was not inevitable.
Tonight I am sewing, not looking at a screen. Bliss!
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