
Several things this week have reminded me how fortunate I am.
I have a younger brother, Adrian, who enjoys making model kits and is meticulous in making them. I have waiting for me to pick up a B52 Bomber and the aircraft carrier HMS Victorious completed, mounted on a plinth and inside a display case, I shall cherish them.
I had long been after a book, ‘Accept No Makeshifts’, sadly no longer in print however I was fortunate to be offered a secondhand ‘as new’ copy for a third of its original price.
Coffee with my friend in Kimberley Park on Thursday produced a surprise when he gave me a homemade, handmade, Remembrance Figure, a silhouette, again much appreciated.
I have friends that often ring, text or Zoom to check I’m ok and that too is greatly appreciated.

Lastly I often cast a sidelong glance at Clare and although it’s a standing joke between us I do remind myself how lucky I am.

Today’s photo, a view I never tire of, and again, how lucky am I to live in Falmouth.

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