Wide Wednesday . . . Long Thin Aspect
This line of cumulus cloud hung out on the horizon for most of the day. There was a cold wind from the south. It was the last day of exercise class with Byron. The classes stop for the school holidays. Today he was not the only young man with tattoos on display. A younger group of people at the pool and over half have tattoos. Even a couple of our older ladies have them. Just things I observe from the pool.
We are off on an adventure tomorrow. The end destination is five days on Stewart Island. It will take a few days to get there. We are not sure if we are mad or not going there in winter. time will tell. On the way home we are going to go explore some of the cold parts of Otago. Seeing a hoar frost is on my bucket list. I don't know that the forester shares my interest. We will be away from home for about two weeks.
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