
We went back to the beach today. I thought I would get a few more shots of the dead whale.
But someone or some people had taken bits of it away and sawn off a large part of its backbone. It had lost quite a lot of its structure and impressiveness.
Still just as stinky though. Really stinky rotting smell.

It was lovely to get out and about and stretch my legs and feel the sun on my face.
Apart from a bastard of a sore throat that's been hanging around for a week, I didn't feel too bad at all. Not sure how the sore throat will ever go away though as it's keeping me awake at night and I'm not getting enough sleep.
I tried taking codeine again last night but then I was kept awake by a strange clawing feeling at my stomach instead.

I hate codeine.

As we walked away from the whale carcass, I spotted all the gulls on the shoreline. I don't often see a big gathering of them here. There were probably only 40 birds, so not that impressive really, but they let me get pretty close and only flew away when a dog started chasing them. (Not our dog - he couldn't be bothered).

It's strange because this morning I spotted this lovely photo on blipfoto by "admirer" in The Netherlands: Hello Again, and favourited it.

I've actually quite enjoyed my fairly uneventful day. I think it must be the light. I stood on the beach and turned my face to the sun, opened my mouth wide, and breathed in salty air. I imagined the UV rays killing the bugs in my nose and throat and the sunlight helping me make vitamin D.
I got home and sorted through a massive pile of clean washing and drank loads of tea.

Here's a handful of the whale photos from yesterday, if you like rotting dead things: Whale carcass, Putsborough, Feb 2013

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