rainy Monday

We watched a bit of a tense film and the children assumed their usual positions as both protectors and protected.

Eve and I spent ages finding pictures to make a scrapbook. Blip proved very handy! We came across the eulogy from Mum’s funeral amongst my many entries and she asked me to read it to her. Oh my. She listened very attentively and her mind wrapped herself around more facts about Grandma. “I still feel like I know her. That’s because I do know her, she’s just not easy to see.”

Dinner was a resounding success because it was sponsored by M&S and Eve went to bed crazy happy because I let her go in a very quiet shop to spend some birthday money.

The day wasn’t without drama - Zeke called 999 because he didn’t feel I was paying sufficient attention to him. Not even joking. Thankfully he cut it off before anyone answered having frightened himself with the fact it works. The boy was in trouble.... but I suppose it’s a lesson learnt. And it’s exceedingly hard to stay mad at Zeke for too long.


1. Baguette;
2. Zeke disconnecting that call;
3. Seeing my sister and niece.

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