A Change

I went out to see if there was anything worth photographing on the Peony - I never actually made it there ........ I did a bit of frantic weeding before the bin men arrived and then got distracted by the water droplets on the Achillea Mollis round the pond. When I got down to get a low level shot there was a mad dash by a load of froglets to get under cover. I wonder how many of them will survive to come back to the pond for next years spawning.
There are also a couple of shots of each of the foxgloves and the lavender.

Also done was some pond clearing and some more ground reclamation from the weeds ......... and a touch of woodwork.

SWMBO took herself off the bed (flaming weather) so this evening I have a glorious TV spell. I foresee some classic music sessions on YouTube......

Oh - and guesses on todays blip will be accepted.

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