
By MumOf4Wildlings

Ready , steady race

Thankfully today has been a much better day and I'm back to my usual self. Thank you all for your lovely comments.

You can just see one of my neighbours on her lawn. This is American Anne ( we have two Ann's in our street). She is nearly 80 and gets out and about everyday. She's lovely. The wildlings love chatting to her. And on New year's Day she comes to our crazy busy home. We invite the neighbours who are on their own to come for a drink and some snacks. Other neighbours come too now but it started with the people who are on their own. But it's a tradition I started when I moved in with Mr R and they like the company for a few hours.

Tonight shall be a busy night getting prepared for Lincoln's birthday tomorrow. I will get Mr R to blow the balloons up while I wrap his presents. I always leave it to the last moment so they can't go hunting for gift's. I'm hoping he will be excited in the morning as we have managed to get some rainbow gifts . Except rainbow nail varnish ;-) .

I feel sad for a lot of people today as they are now in a second lockdown. I'm so thankful I live in Scotland and things have been handled better by our government. Boris and his chronies make me angry at the way they have dealt with it. But really he's mates with trump so you knew it would go wrong. Anyway I try not to view my political opinions much .

Oh and tonight I shall have wine :-)

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