Key Lime Meringue Pie...!!

And I can now tell you there’s not much left...!
My daughter says I’ve come up with a new word in cooking ‘Cakestry’ if you look closely at the edge of the can see my attempt at sweet pastry....very difficult stuff to work with so I just pressed it with my fingers into the tin and baked it blind. And what emerged out of the oven was definitely more ‘cake’ than pastry. I suppose sweet pastry is essentially deconstructed ‘cake’ really ...anyway I can testify that it tasted absolutely delicious, soggy bottom !
And we think the Lime is even nicer than the lemon..!
It is such a pleasure to see our daughter and my friend called yesterday too for the first time in 4 months and my son called over to see them I had a full house for dinner..!!

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