
Today was by far the furthest we have ventured since lockdown began, a drive of over an hour to visit my parents in their garden, for my Mum's 70th. Mercifully, the weather was very sunny, so it was very easy to stay within the garden, and only go inside for the loo. 

The children were incredibly excited about the trip from the moment they woke up, and there was an outpouring of love for Grandma. "When can we go? When can we go"? What I hadn't anticipated was just how novel the car journey would be, only their second since March (the first journey very short and local). They were high as kites. And then to spread out and explore a very large and interesting garden, was so good for them. Our garden is small, and contained, but my parents' is like a miniature world with many different zones wrapping around the house, with lots of hidden nooks and crannies.

We ate very well indeed (never knowingly undercatered), and although physical distancing was awkward, it wasn't too much of a burden.

The children fell asleep on the way home, so they weren't both asleep until 10pm. A difficult end to an otherwise very enjoyable day.

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