The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

Basil's branching out!

It's been a quiet day - I got on with my work with very little distraction and even did an extra hour so I can do one less tomorrow! The fact that it was grotty weather meant I didn't get distracted by wanting to be outdoors, so from that point of view, it was a successful working morning.

When I broke off for a lunch break, I had the feeling I was being watched as I stood at the kitchen worktop. I was a little surprised to see Basil on a branch, just outside the window, staring... and plotting. I'd seen him earlier digging in one of the planters, probably looking for the nuts the squirrel buried in there over Christmas!

I had my camera in the hall, but had my 'dodgy' lens on, as I'd planned to test out the focus before deciding what to do with it. No time to fetch another lens from upstairs in case I missed the moment, so I had to manually focus on Basil - so was actually quite pleased with this image considering it was rushed and through the window, but the lens is definitely duff. I'm hoping a kindly Camera Club member might be able to tweak it for me!

Once I finished my work this afternoon, I thought I'd have another go at water drops in the sink. It was as frustrating as the peas. Out of over 700 there are possibly 6 interesting(ish) ones - still work in progress, so Basil gets to feature again!

Snow forecast for tonight, hope it's not too bad, just enough to be pretty and perhaps there'll be a chance of a whiteish Blip tomorrow

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