'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell


All this is only 281 calories! Today is a 'fast' day and total allowance calories is 500. I have been following the 5:2 intermittent fasting, as explored by Dr Michael Mosely on horizon, for 3 weeks now and have lost 5 pounds. For breakfast I had half of a grapefruit, scrambled egg with chopped rocket salad and mushrooms. The above image shows my dinner, all I have missed out is lunch and snacks!

As always with all diets etc this isn't for everyone but I am finding it works for me. I am eating so much more fruit and veg and am discovering an awful lot about my own eating habits. My snacking between meals has greatly reduced! What's more, apart from 2 days a week of calorie restriction, I do not feel as though I am constantly watching what I eat!

I am also becoming very inventive with my 500 calories! My banana ended up being dry stir fried - it tasted just like those caramelised bananas you can get at your local Chinese! Yum!

As well as the losing weight I am also interested in the continued research regarding other health benefits.

Three beautiful things:
A good start to the week.
My daffodils
The school netball team winning!

One thing to be grateful for:
A great team!

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