
This is Peter. He works at Avoca. One of the great things about Peter is that you only ever need to tell him your name once and he remembers who you are. The last few times I've been in, he's been cultivating this amazing red biker beard, as well demonstrating his proclivity for the sharp bow tie. Today, for sure, he was in top form. He kind of reminds me of my old friend Sean (who had red hair but no flowing dreadlocks), super friendly and always cognizant of who you are, making sure to greet you by name and see how you are doing, what you've been up to. Peter certainly makes you feel welcome and taken care of. Not to mention he sports a unique style.

Indeed, got in to the coffee shop relatively early to get some more headway done on these student drafts, though it was a lot more crowded than I'd expected. But I will have these drafts wrapped up by this evening so I can return them tomorrow. And I still need to do quite a bit of reading as well. It never ends, it never ends.

So, dear Facebook friends, are you interested in some great portraits? Then you absolutely need to browse through these following journals: Humans, Hurly-Burly, Matt Austin Images, and challenge. Anyone who Blips obviously knows of these stellar journals, but my Facebook followers might not have seen them. So, check 'em out!

Onward and forward.


EDIT: Peter alternate shot.

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