Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Back to rain...

...back to virtual reality...
Our favourite table by the window all set up for tonight's meal - smoked salmon and cream cheese followed by lemon chicken. We'll dress for dinner later, and our dinner companions will arrive via Skype circa 7pm...
After a busy face-to-face week we've had a lazy and relaxing weekend ;)

Thank you for all your contributions to Silly Saturday 195 – so many lovely tributes for Admirer.
I am working my way through with stars and comments, but there are so many it may take me a little while... I hope I don’t miss anyone, as every time I look there are a few more on the pages...

davidc  has suggested:
I wonder - is anyone keen to have a Silly Saturday on (say) the first Saturday of each month, to keep Admirer's memory alive?
I believe he’s on the case already, so if you want to join in next Saturday, please do ;)

And this evening, a CORONA CLASSIC from Dolly - Dancing on Tiptoes - Rachel Bruerville

And one for 59  who is practising this piece: Amélie Theme - Comptine d'un autre été (PIANO) - Brooklyn Duo

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