Mother Of Millions Flower

One of my many Mother of Millions plants have flowered and I didnt even notice until today. Such a big beautiful flower bunch. 

However, they really are taking over the garden again and I must start weeding them out or there will be nothing but the millions from the Mother!  They produce little plantlets on the ends of their leaves which drop off and start growing whevever they fall. Even when you think you’ve gotten rid of them all there is always a few left lurking as they also produce seeds in these flowers, must remember to bag the whole bunch of flowers and dispose of it before they form!  

Its actually a nasty weed that has taken over certain parts of the countryside right across Australia and other parts of the world. Started out as an ornamental plant sold for the home garden, origin is from Madagascar. Some info at the link.  

Quiet and peaceful day spent in my own world of reading, drawing, painting and watching Netflix and it has been quite cold and rained almost all day. We arent heading out anywhere this afternoon much to Toto’s disgust when he finds out ;o). There is an incredible weather event in the middle of the Indian Ocean which is affecting us, see an impression of it at the nullschool link.,-3.09,775/loc=52.454,-3.042  

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