Your Bum's Oot The Windae

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

TWO days out and about in a row. That is my limit. Actually one is my limit. I do not know what I was thinking. So today was all about three things:

1. Plant bum on couch.
2. Fluff up cushions.
3. Repeat.

So Caro and I have had a nice relaxing day of watching lots of telly and eating things. That's not quite the full extent of our achievements. Caro also taught Punky how to let himself out via the window. 

It is a quite ridiculous display because he's such an uncertain little cat. There's about five minutes of walking up and down on the window frame before he works up the courage to do what you see him doing in today's blip.

Today we watched Juno and I wondered if this was a suitable film for Mini-Princesses. It is about racy rude things and there's some language, but I've always found the film funny and warm-hearted.

But Caro made me feel old by saying, "This film feels SOOOO 2000's doesn't it?" 

And yes, I suppose it does, but that is still like, fecking yesterday for feck's sake. How can we be in the 2020's already?


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