Republic Thousand Rivers

By castrexoman

They aren´t the Demon.

In English Castrexo:

Though they have a few big Horns and Tail, they are not the Demon. Only a few hundreds of specimens exist in the Planet Earth and are catalogued as a Race, the CACHENA, of Special Protection in Danger of Extinction, being his natural habitat the illusory, though it hiper-real, Republic of Thousand Rivers. If it wasn´t for the existence of a Baby's Special Program and for the helps of the European Community the poor Cachenas already they would not exist.

We the Castrexos, as Race in Danger of Extinction, in a few years also will need a Baby's Special Program, since every time we are less, and especially in the zones of the interior. Every day we reproduce less, and in minor quantity, and many young men, in all that they can, they continue emigrating to other latitudes. We are Europa's zone with minor birthrate per-capita and one of the most backward economically, in spite of going decades integrated in Europe and receiving the most important helps. We occupy in all the Rankings the last positions, and some of them yet want to make us believe that we live through good, they will say it for them

To this step we will finish turning into a Natural Reserve, or into great Thematic Park property of any Multinational that quotes on the principal Stock Markets. And it isn´t a pessimism, is the raw reality of the objective analysis of statistics.

PD. ? His look not if it saddens to me, me in love, or both things simultaneously.

In Castrexo:

Aínda que teñen uns grandes Cornos e Rabo, non son o Demo. Só existen uns centos de exemplares no Planeta Terra e están catalogadas como unha Raza, a CACHENA, de Protección Especial en Perigo de Extinción, sendo o seu hábitat natural a imaxinaria, aínda que hiper-real, República dos Mil Ríos. Se non fose pola existencia dun Programa Especial de Cría e polas axudas da Comunidade Europea as pobres Cachenas xa non existirían

Nós os Castrexos, como Raza en Perigo de Extinción, dentro de poucos anos tamén necesitaremos un Programa Especial de Cría, pois cada vez somos menos, e sobre todo nas zonas do interior. Nos reproducímonos a conta pingas, e en menor cantidade, e moitos mozos, en canto poden, seguen emigrando a outras latitudes. Somos a zona de Europa con menor natalidade per-capita e unha das máis atrasadas economicamente, a pesar de levar décadas integrados en Europa e recibindo importantísimas axudas. Ocupamos en todos os Rankings os últimos postos, e algúns aínda nos queren facer crer que vivimos ben, dirano por eles.

A este paso acabaremos converténdonos nunha Reserva Natural, ou en gran Parque Temático propiedade de calquera Multinacional que cotice nos principais Mercados Bolsistas. E non é pesimismo, é a crúa realidade da análise obxectiva da estadísticas.

PD.- A súa mirada non sei si entristeceme, enamorarme, ou ambas as cousas á vez.

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