Washing carpets -time!

A hot day again +29c, but in forecast it was told that after a couple of days the heat wave should dissappear and rain should come. So we decided to wash the thickest carpets today, I got hubby and our daughter helping me. As it felt so hot in sunny spots, I chose this washing area of Tahmela under high trees shadows - in the blip.

This is only a small washing area, with only eight carpet washing bowls, so I was happy as we got there on time, before many other families. Fortunately we were fast done.

Water into the carpet washing area comes from the lake nearby, there is a strong electric pump for it. Washing bowles are free to use in washing any domestic fabrics and waste water goes into normal water drains. Most of the people use natural pine soap in washing. You can leave carpets drying there, but after a while we took them into our own yard

In the afternoon a nap before driving to country for bathing in hot sauna and swimming in the lake. (Good heavens, we really had a half an hour nap, me and hubby! He does it almost in daily basis, but I hardly can remember when would I have taken nap...) Anyway a hot 90c sauna and swimming in a lake after a hot day is always a brilliant idea. You feel cool and fresh afterwards!

Thunderstorms nearby, also some small forest fires. Rain would be nice to come.


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