Too Old For This Shut

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

It was a team-bonding afternoon today! I know! This sort of thing would ordinarily fill me with horror but the Kainga Ora people are really nice and so it seemed like a reasonable thing to do.

I told them this. "You have all been so nice to me!" I said. "It makes me worry. Like I've joined a cult or you're all on drugs or something."

So we went bowling. This was organised by Dougal. She arranged for us to play three frames each but everyone was over it after frame one. We just wanted to drink.

Yes! And that was the other thing! There was a bar in this place and EVEN THOUGH IT WAS WITHIN WORK HOURS everyone was drinking. So much for THAT rule, I thought. 

It was a fun afternoon. But then I caught the train home for an evening watching a movie with OrkneyCaro and G-Man. We are still doing this with our mates. They just seem to like it.

So we put on "Waking Ned Devine" which is a lovely little film that I always enjoy. But... well... after playing THREE FECKING FRAMES* of bowling and having a few beers... And sitting on a train for 2 hours...

Let's just say I missed the middle of the film for 30 minutes in the land of Bedfordshire instead. And when I woke up, the lovely Irish people had won the lottery and I went to proper bed. 


* Actually two and a half. No-one could be fecked after that.

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