Pretty in Pink...

This Astilbe is doing nicely....just one small piece that broke off the main plant and it grew where I stuck it in the ground and forgot about it...!!

Just realized I’ve missed a few days on Blip and commenting...I will catch up..!!

On Tues had a doc visit (not my own GP)...for a Vit D profile blood test and whilst discussing deficiency in it and calcium etc I mentioned the pain flare ups from the Fibro.....her reaction and attitude left me speechless and ultimately very angry and upset...I’ve often wondered what my reaction would be if a doctor told me my pain was IMAGINARY...
And in the number of years I have endured this I’ve only ever been treated with sympathy and indeed empathy from any doctors I’ve spoken too...for a doctor not to be medically aware of what the condition actually is or to know that and ME are now recognized ailments that need to be treated is amazing..
Now she did say by way of warning I suppose, that what she was about to say would probably and I quote “Come out wrong”....and that “there was nothing wrong, just my brain sending out mixed up signals”....then, “ and anyway if you are deficient in Vit D you’d have pains in your bones anyway”...!!!
I left and managed to get back to my car before the tears ..I’m a bit of a ‘basket case’ I know and hubby didn’t know what had happened to me...!
She had also ‘stabbed’ me twice taking the bloods and that was because she’d shouted at me to leave the chair as it was (facing away from her)...when I went to turn it...that meant she had my left arm (no veins) and was in my deaf left I did as I was told...and then had to turn the right side...but there was no point in arguing..
I’m really sorry now I didn’t give her a good telling off but I was flabbergasted and the whole visiting a doctors surgery is quite an experience at the moment...however I will be telling my GP about it and I won’t be agreeing to see that Dr. S again..
Annie’s rant is over now...good to write it down..
Hope all my Blip pals have a good weekend..stay safe..xx

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