
The fact that I once wrote a gig review of My Bloody Valentine back in my student days started all this off. I've been rummaging...

The university newspaper was called 'Darts' and I used to write film, record and gig reviews. And I used to take my camera along to the gigs usually as well. This meant you got a 'plus one' on the guest list as they didn't have to stick a separate photographer down as well. So there was nearly always someone who'd accompany me in exchange for getting in free. They'd get the drinks in beforehand and then we'd get down the front for when the band came on.

I've unearthed a whole bunch of stuff here. There's one man's face you might recognise amongst the prints. I saw his band loads of times and always tried to get to review them as they were my favourite band.

I'm not going to subject you to the whole thing but here's my last line after a fantastic gig at The Sheffield Leadmill, round about Christmas 1989.

"Still the hip priests? Of course they are - no contest."

[Over at the other place today...]

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