2023. Flower Friday...a Yellow Rose
Another early morning walk this morning and still some pretty flowers to photograph, albeit with my phone rather than my camera.
I heard yesterday that Olympus are selling their digital imaging arm to another company and there was quite a lot of negativity on social media about it. If only people would do a little research before jumping on the doom and gloom bandwagon. The company it’s being sold to is JIP who also acquired the ailing Sony Vaio brand and turned it around. They want to do the same with Olympus which has apparently been losing a lot of money from it’s digital imaging business. I’m not worried by this at all as an Olympus owner as it’s still a great camera system which I think punches well above it’s weight in the DSLR stakes. In fact I am looking to expand my lens ownership and I’m saving up for a super zoom. My last one (which I sold) was a Panasonic but it wasn’t a particularly good one so I’m on the lookout for a good second hand one which will allow me to go beyond the 200mm (400mm in 35mm) that I can currently reach. I know it will be heavy so I probably won’t use it all the time as I’ll need a tripod but I still think it’s worth owning one.
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