
By simisue


This BOUGAINVILLEA,  in the far corner of our back yard, has hardly been 
noticed, until these colorful bracts peeked out from behind a cedar tree.
This is an unusual color for this thorny, ornamental vine.  If it had a
name like DREAMCICLE, it might become a star in the plant world- -or at least in my family.  Maybe it might get noticed by the Royal Horticultural Society, like 'SAN DIEGO RED' & MARY PALMER'S ENCHANTMENT' that won the Award of Merit.

This native of South America is common in Southern California, & is sometimes called "Paper Flower," because the colorful bracts, surrounding the tiny flowers, are thin & papery.  They are popular ornamental plants
in areas with warm climates in the US & In the Mediterranean Basin.
In fact, the hot pink, dark red, purple, white or yellow colors seem to 
become more vibrant as the temperature goes up.

It may also be popular here because it is drought tolerant & because it can be grown along fences, walls, in containers, & in hanging baskets.  There are double-flowered & variegated varieties that can add a unique
twist to a landscape.  Bonsai enthusiast are attracted to it because it is easy to train & will bloom in the Spring.  Other gardeners may
consider it a common, unruly, barbwire-like climber. The papery bracts seem to often end up in the nearest swimming pool.

BOUGAINVILLEA grows best in dry soil in very bright sun.  They seem to have only a few pests, so maybe those thorns are a deterrent.  It can survive a light frost, but not a cold Winter.

The various species are the official flower of quite a few places, including
Camarillo, California, in our county.  Maybe I should nominate
DREAMSICLE to be the official flower of my town....


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