
By haddock


The long ridge of the Kyrenia Mountains stretching out along the NE tip of Cyprus.

As a geography/map anorak (and a wannabe pilot as a kid) I still find peering out of a plane window fascinating.

The contrast in Turkey was marked - dry hills on the Med coast, an arid, flat interior with green fields clustered round tiny villages and then green mountains along the Black Sea. 

Bulgaria to the Baltic was cloudy, but the next time I looked out we were passing to the north of Rugen; somewhere that is familiar to me both from last year working offshore in the Baltic, and much further back (pre-grey hair and crows-feet), spending a week surveying the roads of the island during snowy winter nights.

Next it was passing Storaebelt Bridge, where we spent some time moored up in 2018. Then finally, after all the intricate islands of the Danish Baltic coast and the narrow neck of Denmark, over the city of Esbjerg - site of more than a few port-call nights out over the years. :)

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