Sun zapped
Allotment first thing this morning, watering, feeding, lifted some potatoes, picked some beans & a few small beetroot for Mum. Dropped them off at her breakfast time so we could sit and have a chat. I popped in the village hall library swap, changed 3 books for myself & found another book that I thought mum might like. Home again, I freshened up & changed before heading over to Jorgiesmum for lunch. Nicky & Carolyn were there too. A lovely relaxing lunch & catch up alfresco.
By the time I arrived home, the heat had zapped my brain. Monochrome Wide Wednesday ... I moved the patio table & chairs to take a decent shot of the pots & plants, then snapped my feet. They don't get out much, so don't get much attention. I love walking around barefoot. I used to have a manicure & pedicure on a regular basis in Thailand. The cost the equivalent of £3. I dread to think what it would cost back here. Might have to give my feet a pamper tomorrow. Gardening has ruined my finger nails, wearing gloves has'nt made much difference.
Time to hit the sack.
Thanks to trisharooni for hosting
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